If you are experiencing a mental health or suicide-related crisis or to help a loved one through a crisis, call 988 for the National Suicide Prevention & Crisis Lifeline or 1-844-493-8255 for the Colorado Crisis Service Line or text "TALK" to 38255.

Click here for more information on the Colorado Crisis Service 24/7 hotline.
Managers & Leaders
If you have an associate in crisis and in need of support or if you recently experienced a workplace disruptive event, please call 800-645-6571 and ask to speak with the "on-call EAP Specialist"
(EAP specialists are trained in immediatly helping leaders with behavioral risk situations)
To register for your free, CONFIDENTIAL counseling, or call Profile EAP at 1-800-645-6571

Profile EAP Webinars & Support Groups
Tool-building webinars for your wellbeing. To attend a seminar or webinar, view the schedule.